
Weekly Blog Final : Diner

  This video is rendered by Unreal Engine 5.5, using a plugin to export as mp4 "ffmpeg-7.1-full_build".     In the final week, I was creating some other props, lighting settings, and creating a level sequence to render video.          For the cactus, I was using curves and a loft tool to model the shape of the cactus. This process was nice to model a realistic and organic shape. For cabbage, I created a color with photoshop, exported it to Designer and merged it with the texture of  the small leaf veins, and created a normal map with histogram color.     To set up a level sequence, most of the settings are similar to the timeline setting of Unity. So I could set up without any problems.     For lighting in Unreal Engine, I added volume and height fog to express a light which comes from the outside. I changed the temperature in post processing volume.       Through this project, I challenged myself to so...

Weekly Blog 11 : Coffin and Sword

This week, I was working on the Coffin and the Sword modeling and texturing. To model these, I was carefully observing the real structure of both of the coffin and the sword. So, let's move on the coffin part first.        This is a modeling in ZBrush scene view and rendering in Unreal Engine which is in similar environment in our project scene.      Before modeling, I need to fit the coffin to the our project theme "Hell". So, I was researching and look for the example images. Many coffin images and the concept arts had skull and skeleton on the top of the coffin. These images inspired me to reach out to my idea that the cloth on the top of the coffin seems to have a dead body on top and the cloth is stretched.     When I began to start modeling, I was thinking that exporting obj has a flat surface on top of the coffin. However, I changed that while I was modeling the coffin. I found that there're two big things which push out, crossing arms...

Weekly Blog 14 : Props and bush

This week, I was working on textures of props and bush. These works took time rather than I thought, texture of black pepper and salt, and modeling of bush especially took time to finish up.   Fist thing I did is to make textures of black pepper and salt. I was trying to express it in Substance Painter, but there was a limit to do in Painter. For menu design, I did layout in Adobe Express (web service to make image). Photos of Monument Valley and foods are provided by Adobe Express images. I referred real diner menu to create the original layout.  Glass material of salt and pepper is not perfect yet, so I'll edit them next week. Next thing I did is also which I was struggling for. I created a bush object with Maya. I was referring a real grass in Monument Valley, it grows radically. I was looking for tutorials to create bushes, but most of them are about high poly bush and does not fit to my environment. So, I was carefully designing its shape in my original thinking. Its leaf...

Weekly Blog 13 : environment design for Unreal Engine

 This week, I had enough time to work on the project because of Thanksgiving break. So, I worked on editing textures, Gaea terrain creation, and scene design in Unreal Engine. First thing I did this week was terrain modeling. Before I began generating the terrain model in Gaea, I defined the theme of landscape. I was thinking that it would be a wilderness area. I wanted to refer to the exact place, so I chose the reference landscape to the Monument Valley in Arizona and Utah.  This time, I exported terrain data as a height map, not as a static mesh. It reduces polycounts and is good for performance. If you choose Unreal node as export format, it will export a height map. These above images are about texture errors when they are sticking to each other. texture has a different position. 2.grunge scale is based on UV, so the size of them are different. 3.ambient occlusion  texture emphasizes the border. 4.Non-opacity pattern on opacity texture should be a decal. 5. Ins...

Weekly Blog 10 : Lamp

  This week, my create motivation was exploded and created a demon hand which hangs the lamp. While I was working on the ZBrush, I faced a problem of ZRemesher. After I created high quality details, I was trying to create low poly models for exporting. But ZRemesher did not work correctly, resolution won't change from low resolution and lose some details. To solve this problem, I used "Project history" in subtool bar. Before using a Project history tool, control + left click a history before using ZRemesher, select a high quality model. Next, go back to the model after ZRemesher and subdivide 3 or more times. Then you are ready to project history. Click project history in subtool. Model will keep details and have nice topology. Finally, total faces are almost 3000 and 1MB for 1 lamp. If necessary, I will create more low resolution model and put in LOD in Unreal Engine. Next week, I found some issues from a rendered video, so I will create the Village base on top of the Pi...

Weekly Blog 12 : Texture (continue)

 This week, I have done texturing for all 9 materials, but there's still an issue on texture resolution. So, I may fix some UV shells next week. Anyway, I did not plan that the camera would zoom to these low-resolution textures. At this time, if I want, I am ready to make a scene and render in Unreal Engine.  My texturing finished earlier than I planned, so I will have extra 2 weeks (3 weeks including thanksgiving break) and I am planning to create a terrain object and bushes by using the next 2 weeks. I will use Gaea for a terrain object, but I have no plan to create nice bushes, I'll find a good way or use MegaScan. These images are not showing all textured objects, but these are almost all of the objects I worked on.  For a signboard, I planned to use normal maps and prepared texts, but I noticed that I can mask material with a font brush and edit height and color later. So I chose that option. In this project, I chose to use a height map to express some patterns, such...

Weekly Blog 9 : Foliage, Decals & Lamp

This week, I was working on Foliage, lamp, and decals.  This is HDRI backdrop view. Video will not render the bottom, but foliage just in case. There are some trees on the surface of the mountains. When there's too much density, it was hard to move the viewport with my computer. I decreased them such that it will be natural look and focused on color of trees. Materials will be strongly affected by sky atmosphere (volume object) and strongly reflect the blue skylight. It was hard to decrease its reflection. To place decals, I fixed the position of objects and materials, they also took time. To use 3 decals I created last 2 weeks, I placed decals on them. Tiles of bridge are also expressed as normal, so it was hard to emphasize the cracks in Unreal Engine. I also changed the normal and height value in texture node. I began to create lamp object and it will be finished at the end of next weekend. Next week, I'll finish modeling, UV, and texturing lamp.