
Weekly Blog 5 : Decals 【CAGD 495】

  This week, I was challenging Substance Designer and Decals. I am a beginner in using Substance Designer and studying with a tutorial, so it took a long time to generate this simple map. The hardest part is to delete the circle which is the border of the clip. To solve this problem, I prepared other circles and attached them to the other channel of the blend node. After making a pattern, I created normal, 2 base color, and opacity (gray scale) output nodes and exported them to Photoshop. After exporting to Photoshop, I merged 2 base color maps and created 1 base color map. I had already decided one base color will be the top and the display style will be overlayed. I think this process was successful and could express cracks that are a little bit burning and shining.  Inside of Unreal Engine, I created decals with attaching base map, Opacity map, normal map, and emission map. There was no plan to put an emission map. But I attached it because the whole scene is in low light intensity

Weekly Blog 7 : Juke Box

       For this week, I was modeling a retro Jukebox. My plan was to model more than 3 models, so it did not reach my goal. The reason is that I did not understand the structure of the Jukebox well and the shape is complicated to model.      The key technique for this week is a combination of different objects/meshes. If all meshes are connected in a complicated shape object, there’re lots of edges and faces. I modeled each piece in separate objects. Other tube was created by a sweep tool. But the image above is created by duplicated faces from the body of Jukebox. The reason why I chose this process is because I wanted to make a border natural. If every vertex on the mesh border is not matching, holes can be seen from the gap and need extra faces. For menu pads, they are almost separate objects, pole structure and blade structure objects are all separated. I am planning to add an emission map, so there's mesh on the back of them and a part of the base of the menu pad.  For the wir

Weekly Blog 4 : Texturing Bridge [CAGD 495]

  This week, I was working on texturing the bridge. I was especially focusing on the height and normal map. While I was modeling bricks, I had a problem that the borders of UV shells are emphasized and can see the mesh borders. This problem happened because of the “height to normal” filter. I was generating bricks with a height map and tried to make it normal. However, we will export and render in Unreal Engine, so I noticed that it is not necessary to export everything in a normal map and deleted that filter. To avoid that problem, I also changed the texture layer for the top of the pillar. The side texture was fine but it is Tri-planar projection, but the top should be planar projection. For the metal part, I used both a metal edge generator and roughness grunge map to express a more realistic surface.  For the brick on the road, first, I generated it in Substance Sampler and exported it to the painter. While I painted them by selecting polygons, the borders of crossing points looked

Weekly Blog 6 : Kitchen

  For this week, I was working on Kitchen stuff. To refer to the opinion in the class meeting, I started to create props and kitchen appliances. To be honest, also this week, I could not do good work for modeling. It reached the quota for this week, but I was planning to do more because the work for last week did not reach the quota. Next week, I’ll do the Jukebox, coffee machine, and stove (if possible). I am planning to use Zbrush for Jukebox to model a metallic detail on it. For the refrigerator, The player will not see top, below, and inside, so I omitted to create them in detail. Polycount is about 1000 and not heavy. To refer to the advice in another class (495), I separated meshes and could decrease the amount of polygons and the curve of nobs looks good. On top of nob, these two images are about comparison of converting and remeshing. The player won't watch carefully at this point, so I made it in small amount of polygons. For the sink, I was careful about its height. To ma

Weekly Blog 3 : Bridge and UVs 【CAGD 495】

  This week, I separated the detail parts and the main body part, and re-meshed them. It was hard to make the surface look natural after separating the meshes. I was carefully changing the mesh as it will keep symmetry. First, when I created new mesh for the support of the bridge, I deleted 5 faces and left only 1 face. I used a point symmetry and duplicated for modeling, that’s why I did this process. Second, I selected looped edges around the horns and detached them to separate the meshes. By separating the meshes, I could successfully decrease the number of polygons with the same outlook. There was the other profit, it was easier to create UV. Meshes are already separated and some meshes are already ready to be unfolded nicely. I was thinking that every mesh should be connected in one object, so this changed my opinion. Second, I deleted unnecessary looped edges and filled the hole. This process was not hard. Third, I aligned the vertex and edge such that they look connected to the

Weekly Blog 5 : Modeling more props

 I had lots of assignments in other class, so in my opinion, I could not focus on the modeling. The goal of next 2 week is to finish up the modeling for a major props inside of the diner. I'd like to start modeling the outside props and decorations as soon as possible. This week, I especially focused on the modeling a chair. For the leg pipes, I used sweep tool, latest tool since Maya 2024. This tool is useful and no other curve object is needed to generate the tube structure object. The only thing I feel uncomfortable is the mesh count increases overly. After generating the tube, I deleted extra looped edges and decreased the polycount. I used the same process and created other tubes. To reflect the advices on the last week, I was focusing on more details on the border between each clothes. Total polycount is about 1500, I feel that it is a little bit higher. I might decrease it on next week.    I also created the ceiling lamp. I was carefully check the height with checking from t

Weekly Blog 2 : Bridge design exploration 【CAGD 495】

Before working on the next object, I completely misunderstood the concept of the bridge. I thought that my idea was passed and I could follow it, but other teammates wanted a different design for the bridge. So, I recreated it by following the gate which was created by another teammate. For this time, I think my new bridge idea was passed.    For the bridge support, I designed its shape to reflect the idea of other teammates, and used the Smooth Mesh Preview tool to create its shape. While editing mesh after conversion preview to mesh, I realized that it'll be hard to edit a sharp edge. To avoid this problem I thought that I needed more edges BEFORE conversion to mesh. I can decrease edges anytime I want, but It is hard to add extra edges after conversion. Edge loops after conversion has a possibility that it will make extra edges which are no longer needed. I tried to make the surface smooth as well as possible, but some vertex on the surface is still in my mind. I created 1 side