Weekly Blog 14 : Props and bush

This week, I was working on textures of props and bush. These works took time rather than I thought, texture of black pepper and salt, and modeling of bush especially took time to finish up.


Fist thing I did is to make textures of black pepper and salt. I was trying to express it in Substance Painter, but there was a limit to do in Painter.
For menu design, I did layout in Adobe Express (web service to make image). Photos of Monument Valley and foods are provided by Adobe Express images. I referred real diner menu to create the original layout. 
Glass material of salt and pepper is not perfect yet, so I'll edit them next week.

Next thing I did is also which I was struggling for. I created a bush object with Maya. I was referring a real grass in Monument Valley, it grows radically. I was looking for tutorials to create bushes, but most of them are about high poly bush and does not fit to my environment. So, I was carefully designing its shape in my original thinking. Its leaf is only 3 polygons and 324KB in total. I did not prepare LOD of it, but there's no any bad effects even I placed them as the screenshot above shows.

Next week, I will add decal of white on the road and start rendering video with using a video sequence. I also need to set up the Post processing of camera, too.

I was trying to compose a BGM in a diner, but there won't seem to be a time to compose it in next week. I will compose after this semester.


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