Weekly Blog 12 : Texture (continue)

 This week, I have done texturing for all 9 materials, but there's still an issue on texture resolution. So, I may fix some UV shells next week. Anyway, I did not plan that the camera would zoom to these low-resolution textures. At this time, if I want, I am ready to make a scene and render in Unreal Engine. 

My texturing finished earlier than I planned, so I will have extra 2 weeks (3 weeks including thanksgiving break) and I am planning to create a terrain object and bushes by using the next 2 weeks. I will use Gaea for a terrain object, but I have no plan to create nice bushes, I'll find a good way or use MegaScan.

These images are not showing all textured objects, but these are almost all of the objects I worked on. 

For a signboard, I planned to use normal maps and prepared texts, but I noticed that I can mask material with a font brush and edit height and color later. So I chose that option.

In this project, I chose to use a height map to express some patterns, such as the side of the tables and panel of  the Jukebox. Most of them worked nicely but some of them did not work correctly. The difference was according to a texture resolution. I created these objects with 9 (8 major and 1 glass) materials and It limited the resolution. Next time, I will unify the material of objects by their size. For material 7, a coffee maker, the entrance wall, and a wall clock were attached on the same material and caused the gap of texture resolution. This problem should not happen in future.

(Beans look little bit big)

To create a coffee bean stamp, I used an Arnold Rendering with Normal view. 

For the next 3 weeks, as I mentioned above, I will create a terrain object and bushes. In addition, I am planning to create some flyers and picture decals which will be on the wall inside of Unreal Engine. It might be good to use photos which I took.

Unreal Engine 5.5 was released and the volumetric cloud and sky became more realistic. So I changed my plan to use HDRI sky from PolyHaven to use the volume system inside of Unreal Engine.


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