Weekly Blog 9 : Foliage, Decals & Lamp

This week, I was working on Foliage, lamp, and decals. 

This is HDRI backdrop view. Video will not render the bottom, but foliage just in case. There are some trees on the surface of the mountains. When there's too much density, it was hard to move the viewport with my computer. I decreased them such that it will be natural look and focused on color of trees. Materials will be strongly affected by sky atmosphere (volume object) and strongly reflect the blue skylight. It was hard to decrease its reflection.

To place decals, I fixed the position of objects and materials, they also took time. To use 3 decals I created last 2 weeks, I placed decals on them. Tiles of bridge are also expressed as normal, so it was hard to emphasize the cracks in Unreal Engine. I also changed the normal and height value in texture node.

I began to create lamp object and it will be finished at the end of next weekend.

Next week, I'll finish modeling, UV, and texturing lamp.


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