Weekly Blog 13 : environment design for Unreal Engine
This week, I had enough time to work on the project because of Thanksgiving break. So, I worked on editing textures, Gaea terrain creation, and scene design in Unreal Engine.
First thing I did this week was terrain modeling. Before I began generating the terrain model in Gaea, I defined the theme of landscape. I was thinking that it would be a wilderness area. I wanted to refer to the exact place, so I chose the reference landscape to the Monument Valley in Arizona and Utah.
This time, I exported terrain data as a height map, not as a static mesh. It reduces polycounts and is good for performance. If you choose Unreal node as export format, it will export a height map.
These above images are about texture errors when they are sticking to each other. 1.red texture has a different position. 2.grunge scale is based on UV, so the size of them are different. 3.ambient occlusion texture emphasizes the border. 4.Non-opacity pattern on opacity texture should be a decal. 5. Inside tiles of the entrance wall has different order.
2. I changed the scale of the UV shell of the entrance wall. There's also another suggestion that changes the projection type to Tri-planner from UV projection.
3. Deleted ambient occlusion layer. Camera in Unreal Engine can also render an ambient occlusion.
4. I did not create a decal yet, so I deleted the sticker layer and it became a regular glass expression.
5. I fixed the layer.
There were also other errors and challenges on this project. What I spent a long time on is a Material instance of multiple layers for Terrain material. It was also my first time to create a material instance, and some detailed texture nodes are also necessary to make layers.
This is a preview inside of the Unreal Engine scene. As long as I see, there is no concern about rendering issue. But there are some resources which I want.
1. Props on the table (salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, and menu)
2. Bushes
3. Volumetric dust expression and lights
4. Light objects and decals on the ceiling
I've already created props on the table and are texturing them now. I'm struggling to express a surface of salt by texturing.
Bushes will be designed 2 LOD, and real plants which live in the Monument Valley. I'll start to work on them after the design inside will be done.
I thought that I wanted some flyers on the wall, but these tiles are working nicely and I think I don't need too many flyers.
For light objects, it is also a proposal that they are also expressed as decals. I was planning to create a decal of the air conditioning system on the ceiling.
Next week, I'll work on the above 4 items and be ready to render. I also need to change the texture for the landscape a little bit because asphalt looks new.
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