Weekly Blog 11 : Coffin and Sword

This week, I was working on the Coffin and the Sword modeling and texturing. To model these, I was carefully observing the real structure of both of the coffin and the sword. So, let's move on the coffin part first.


    This is a modeling in ZBrush scene view and rendering in Unreal Engine which is in similar environment in our project scene.
    Before modeling, I need to fit the coffin to the our project theme "Hell". So, I was researching and look for the example images. Many coffin images and the concept arts had skull and skeleton on the top of the coffin. These images inspired me to reach out to my idea that the cloth on the top of the coffin seems to have a dead body on top and the cloth is stretched.
    When I began to start modeling, I was thinking that exporting obj has a flat surface on top of the coffin. However, I changed that while I was modeling the coffin. I found that there're two big things which push out, crossing arms and feet. Also, I added extra cubes to make cloth expression below of the arms.
    Exported version is low poly and high poly baked in Substance Painter, to reduce total polygon counts.

When I exported to Unreal Engine, there's a trouble that the UV set was separated and did not read the texture on top of the coffin. I was editing in Maya and changed UV sets from UV → UV set editor.

For modeling a sword, I thought that the era which strongly reflects holy stuffs and religion is middle ages (because our project theme is hell) and the most impressive sword in middle ages is the sword of knights. So the overall shape is inspired from the knights' swords. I added patterns on the side and decorations, made the sword looks it is in the Hell.


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