Weekly Blog 11 : Texturing

This week, I was working on texturing over a half of the materials. It is following the schedule correctly.

To categorize what I did, in general, there are 3 things: fixing UV maps, layering materials in substance painter, and design in Substance designer.

Material 1

For material 1, I fixed some UV shells to make the model be textured nicely.
Sofa material, I combined leather texture and base texture to express the sofa texture by referring the images. 

Material 2

For material 2, textures on top are used the same as the thing in Material 1. Metal surface is also unified with the other material.

Material 3 and 4 (inside)

Material 3 and 4(outside)

For tiles on the wall, they are what I spent the most time in this week. First, I created 3 materials for the tiles in Substance Designer.

I had a minimum knowledge about Designer because I studied nodes of Designer for the other project. So this was not too hard. But I did trial and error to create my original texture. First problem I faced was the height of the gap between tiles. I wanted it flat, but the center part was rendered as a low position. I solved this problem to blend the same texture but emphasized the gap part with histogram scan node. Second thing is, how do I make a check pattern? Height and other things can be the same in every tile, only color should be checked. To solve this problem, I tried to change the parameter of the tile sample generator, but I could not make it to which I wanted. When I looked for it with google, I found that there is a Checker node in Designer. Total tile amount was 10, so I set the checker amount to 5, created a mask with a checker node, and created a colored checker pattern. There are some small problems, but these two are major problems. 

I'm going to write about a particular thing about this tile, not a problem. Color of these tiles were not the same when I checked the reference images, so I changed the color random parameter in the tile sample generator node and made the red color gradations change.

There was a problem after creating a material in Substance Designer. UV and Tri Planner (my favorite) did not work correctly on the wall. I was looking for another projection and I found that the Warp projection worked nicely. This reminded me of Area light in Maya, Unity or other software. This projection works nicely only on 1 side, so I duplicated and changed direction to the other angle when I created tile textures to the other wall.

To make tiles repeated, I focused on the left and right side of edges ending with a gap of tiles. I did not care about the top because it will be next of other material.

There's also a particular point on the floor. Before creating the texture, I created a height and roughness map in Substance Sampler. The reason is that the floor will be repeated and there will be a gap if there is no Make it Tile layer in Sampler. On the left and bottom of the material folder in the above image, you can see the mud-like material. This is which I exported from Sampler.

Check pattern and some grunge texture are from Painter and I do not care about the border because it is a check pattern.

Chair of Material 5

Leather texture is the same as Sofa. There was a problem on the white border UV, it was not vertical or horizontal, and zig-zag when I drew texture on it. To solve this problem, I used Straighten UV to shells on tubes. 

Through this week, I learned that UV shells should be vertical or horizontal when texturing in Substance Painter. Also, It's better that faces will be designed for designing patterns later. Even if you want to design sloped patterns in low resolution, it won't work nicely if you do not care about UV shells and faces. In future, I'll make the sloped face, make its UV straighten, then texture a nice sloped pattern.
This week was so valuable to understand the texturing and deep imagination when it's repeated and rendered. Next week, I'll finish up texturing and start Unreal Engine Rendering.


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