Weekly Blog 9 : UV

This week, I created 5 UV maps out of 6-7 materials (I'm going to add other objects and attach them to new material). I could focus on creating UV maps because I separated some meshes such that I could make UV easily.  I've almost finished creating UV maps, so I'll have time to create 2 more objects. It won't be too hard to create, suggestions are wall clock, neon board (just create curve and sweep) and wall with the door. 

Counter objects are big and the player might watch carefully, so I created my own materials for them. If I combined it with other objects, smaller objects might look low-resolution. I was careful to keep the face-shape of UV. And I made the edges horizontal or vertical as possible as I could.  

I did not use the align tool because I wanted to group the object UV shells close to each other. When I add textures on a 2D view, it can also be easy to edit the whole object if UV shells are close to each other.

Of course, I am always careful with the texel density on each shell. However, I dared to make the shells of the faucet and sponge bigger because they are small when I compared the size of the shell to the other object with the same material. 

Next week, I'll finish up other UVs and create other simple objects for decorations. I think I am following the schedule.
I am also planning to use Gaea to create the environmental plane inside of Unreal Engine.


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