Weekly Blog 1 : CAGD 495


For this week, I was focusing on the modeling of the bridge, especially for the center part of the bridge. I added small changes from a rough design, protrusions for every edge of the hexagon. I also kept in mind that I would not make Triangles and N-gons. After writing this sentence, I noticed that corn-shape objects only have triangles. So I’ll change them to Rectangles and compare how their appearance will be changed.

During the process for the track part, I added 2 more tracks for making the bridge curves. The reason is that we might change the shape of the bridge while working on Unreal Engine level design. I created a straight part of the bridge first, put it on the center of the pillar, and mirrored the bridge by changing the angle 30 degree and 60 degree to attach them to the shape of the pillar.

For next week, I’m going to add a right angle part or 45 angle piece for the track and 4-way intersection to make more varieties. I am also going to follow the ideas of other teammates, adding more sharp parts and making the shield shape sharper. I also got his wall pattern fbx file, so I think I can follow his ideas accurately.

For the texturing part, I could not decide on a surface appearance yet. So I guess that I’ll change its roughness and normals later. I asked about texturing to Director and he gave me an advice that a color should be more darker, I changed its color to a darker color.


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