Sprint 4 CAGD 495

 For this sprint, I was struggling to create Whoosh sound effect.
When I began that, I thought that it won't be Whoosh sound because the card described just "Fireball sound". That's one of the reason why I took a long time. Secondly, I was thinking that I cannot use free sound source because I was said to do myself. I noticed that I can use free sources when I was given some free sources from a manager 2 days ago.

I used free audio sources from Sonniss, SE and Ambient sounds for movie, video, and game creation. This free resources were distributed as free in 2020, I downloaded then. According to the license pdf, I have already checked that it is fine to use them as our project.

Since here, I'll talk about my work details AFTER using free resouce.

This is original Whoosh sound

I used this sound and created sound effect for shooting fireball sound.
My main goal was to make SE as "loop-able".
To proceed this goal, there are several processes.

1. Not to be hard patterned
2. Slice in 2 and exchange the order
3. Delete border by "Cross fade"

I was working on Audacity.
It is not finished audacity project, but whole process is generally same.
First, I clipped area which I want to loop.
Second, I made an extra audio track to avoid hard patterned sound.
In my other recent audacity project, I created 2 other audio tracks.
I noticed that the audio clip will be natural when it's looped if I used many audio track.
Before duplicating the audio clip, it is necessary to attach "fade out" and "fade in" for cross fade.
Audio will not sound like CHOPPED when you use Cross fade.

After creating natural continued clip, I mix them and separate in 2 and switch the order.
At this time, there are 2 ways to avoid chopped, make connection point on 0 volume, or cross fade.

I used cross fade for this time, but I sometimes do first choice, so it depends on the case.

If you've done that, you'll get the loop-able audio clip.

This is my final audio clip.

This is not first audio project, but that was challenging work for me.
I think this work will be helpful in the next sprint.


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