Sprint 3 CAGD 495
In this sprint, I was taking a long time to create the sky panorama image. I was working on Photoshop to paint images and make it as panorama. It was first time to use 3D system in Photoshop, so it took time to learn how to use it. I tried 3 new images and some did not work because of Memory storage problem. 3D system in photoshop takes up most of spaces of memory, usage will be easily full in 16GB. I think it requires at least 32 GB to process correctly.
When I begun my work on the sky, I did not know that the sky should be purple. So I change Hue and painted new cloud. This is the reason why the ground looks like a green. I understood that getting confirmation before working on is really important when the producer did not describe it in details.
It was also important to check the output should look like in Unity. When I tried to make the sky by spherical panorama, there's always a dark spot on above and the border of sky image was too clear. To solve this problem, I was looking at the format of other sky models. They are used to be created as skybox/Cubemap with cubic map image. It was a solution to solve problems from spherical panorama sky. There's no dark spot and border after changing format to Cubemap and Skybox/cubemap.
It is not hard to change spherical skybox material to Cubemap skybox material. You just need to change attached image to Cubemap with right click, and attach it with skybox/Cubemap.
Inside of Photoshop, it is little bit complicated to use 3D. It is also the reason that there's no specific tutorial on the newest version. Photoshop can make just 1 layer to 3D, panorama image. So you are required to combine layers before making it 3D. After making 3D, top and bottom part is shrink because top and bottom line will be gathered on 1 point. But don't worry, you can edit image in 3D space and will be output naturally. As you can see the stretched cloud on the top image, it will be natural in 3D environment and look correctly. If memory slot is not enough on your computer, it take a long time to process reflecting your drawing and change point of view.
When you are done, you can export it your spherical panorama (at this point, you do not have to mind that your image is categorized as spherical panorama). 3D>spherical panorama>export. You cannot export it in high resolution in panorama image, at least I could not change a resolution. Output image will be like my first image, top part of image is stretched, like a territory of Russia and South pole continent are stretched when you see a world flat map.
In other work, I was working on redoing landing sound. Sound sample I created does not work well, so I recorded and edited it.
Right now, I am working on placing props and enemies on the map. We do not use terrain object on this project, so I am planning to use polybrush.
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