Weekly Blog 6 : Map for HDRI sky 【CAGD 495】


    I decided to create a map for HDRI sky because the terrain object of our group looks smaller than I thought. In the rendered video, I saw the horizon of the skybox and I felt that the scene is on an isolated island. I suggested my idea to create HDRI sky and worked on that this week. My first idea was to create material in Sampler and terrain by a terrain generator inside of Unreal Engine. It did not seem to look good, so I decided to use Gaea and studied how to use it.

After generating the map mesh and texture, I exported to Maya because I could not read the mesh data in Unreal Engine. Error message showed that the degeneracy Polygon cannot be imported. When I imported it to Maya, there’s a weird shadow on the surface. To solve this problem, I clicked “unlocked normal” in Maya and weird shadows were deleted.

Also, I edited the shape of the mesh a little bit in Maya too. I just want to make the horizon hide with sharp mountains, so I decreased the height of the center area such that the camera can see mountains from a far distance. 

I was also fighting on the rendering and texture node in Unreal Engine. I was editing the fog setting, light setting, and texture node editing by blending the colors. It also takes time to re-bake models and lighting. The map still showed the horizon of the sky, so I duplicated it and hid the horizon with the high mountain.

    Next week, I'll work on creating HDRI skybox or creating the other object.


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