Weekly Blog 6 : Kitchen

 For this week, I was working on Kitchen stuff. To refer to the opinion in the class meeting, I started to create props and kitchen appliances. To be honest, also this week, I could not do good work for modeling. It reached the quota for this week, but I was planning to do more because the work for last week did not reach the quota. Next week, I’ll do the Jukebox, coffee machine, and stove (if possible). I am planning to use Zbrush for Jukebox to model a metallic detail on it.

For the refrigerator, The player will not see top, below, and inside, so I omitted to create them in detail. Polycount is about 1000 and not heavy. To refer to the advice in another class (495), I separated meshes and could decrease the amount of polygons and the curve of nobs looks good. On top of nob, these two images are about comparison of converting and remeshing. The player won't watch carefully at this point, so I made it in small amount of polygons.

For the sink, I was careful about its height. To make this a good height, I compared with a human model. I created legs model according to the reason I mentioned above. For the faucet, I used sweep tool again for the tube structure. I connected with body and tube later. but there was a problem then. Rotation of polygon did not fit to the angle to the faucet body. I needed to check when I generated the tube. 

For the cooking table, I created it regularly because the shape is really simple. For the trash hole, I used booleans to generate the hole. I used the same structure for the legs with the sink. When I compared the shape of those legs in reference images, they looked really similar. 


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